Fear is a Good Thing

• Fear is an emotional response to an actual threat, and it’s a fundamental survival mechanism.

• Immediate danger: fear tells you to get yourself to someplace safer.

• Once our ancestors saw a few friends and relatives devoured by lions, fearing lions became a smart move.


• Fear is also a true emotional response when we’re about to lose someone or something that’s important to us.

• Fear the loss of a loved one to illness, or our home due to unemployment.

• Sensation people experience in the face of taking action to achieve their dreams; not true fear.

• It’s F.E.A.R.

What is F.E.A.R?

• F.E.A.R. is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.
• There’s no true threat of immediate physical danger
• No threat of a loss of someone or something close to us.

• F.E.A.R. is an illusion.

• Something we fabricate in our own minds and pretend is real.

• It’s a Movie Drama we tell ourselves that keeps us from doing what we really want.

• False evidence appearing real.

• F.E.A.R is anxiety, an emotion that arises purely from our own thoughts, not external reality.

• Cognitive psychology research demonstrates that while we can’t always control how we feel, we do have the power to choose how we think and act.

• How to Conquer F.E.A.R.

• “Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance. What a waste.” ~Seth Godin

• Are past failures real evidence for future failure?

• No, because unless you keep doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results (i.e., insanity).

• No real evidence that your next approach will fail.

• Past failures generate false evidence appearing real.

• It’s likely you learned things from your past failures that instead provide evidence that your odds are now better than ever.

• Worst-case scenario, involves those who’ve never failed, because they’ve never tried.

• These people have zero real evidence of anything, and are living in the purest imaginary prison of the mind.

• Healthy and well-adjusted people take risks, without all this deep dread over specific outcomes.

• The journey is what you’ll relish, and it just might take you somewhere better than you initially hoped.

• Each journey teaches you what you need to know to take the next one.

• The formula for conquering F.E.A.R. is simple:


• BE the person you choose to BE

• Do the things/Actions that this person does

• HAVE all the success, opportunities and possibilities.

Definition of Fear

• FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.

• A nice acronym.

• Calling it False Evidence is saying that fear is an illusion or a lie.

• Lies are made of words. Fear is an emotion.

• We can create fear as a reaction to believing illusions, lies, or false evidence.

• Is FEAR an illusion or false evidence appearing real?

• There is the illusion we imagine in our mind.

• There is the emotion we create as a reaction to fear.

• We only react with emotion when we believe it to be real.

• It’s the believing that makes the illusion APPEAR real.

• We make the illusion appear real.

• There is the appearance of things.

• Also, there is how we create emotion as a reaction to appearance of things.

• We can also create fear as a reaction to something that is a very real.

• If you are flying in an airplane and it has an emergency where it is losing altitude you are going to feel fear.

• You don’t have to panic, but fear is probably going to be there.

• The evidence isn’t false. It’s real and the fear is too.

• Evidence is not the same as emotion.


• A person can accept their mortality and the letting go of their body when they come face to face with death.

• There is real evidence in the passing of the body, and yet no fear.

• In this moment there exists no presence of any illusions about death.

• Without making up any beliefs about death there is no fear.

• Can we create fear as a reaction to false evidence, or real experience?

• Fear is an emotion, which we can create.

• It is created as a reaction to external things.

• Fear being False Evidence Appearing Real is focusing our attention on, that we are be reacting to an illusion.

Green Superfoods

Greens are good, Green Superfoods are even better! Green superfoods have the highest concentrations of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins, protective photo-chemicals and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function and more effectively protect you against disease and illness.

Green superfoods are extremely rich in chlorophyll – the pigment that gives plants their green color. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of human blood and studies show that when this is consumed, the production of hemoglobin in blood is increased. Higher amounts of hemoglobin in the bloodstream means more oxygen-rich blood, the first and most important element that cells need to thrive.

Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is the sprouted grass of a wheat seed. Unlike the whole grain, because it has been sprouted, it no longer contains gluten or other common allergic agents. Wheat grass is super alkalizing and is excellent for promoting healthy blood. It normalizes the thyroid gland to stimulate metabolism thus assisting digestion and promoting weight loss due also to its high enzyme content and cleansing effect.

Barley Grass

Barley grass has 11 times more calcium than cow’s milk, 5 times more iron than spinach and 7 times more Vitamin C and bio-flavonoids than orange juice. It contains significant amounts of Vitamin B12 which is very important in a vegetarian diet. Barley grass juice has anti-viral activities and neutralizes heavy metals such as mercury in the blood.

Wild Blue Green Algae

Algae was the first form of life on Earth and its power isSpirulina Algae immense.Wild blue-green algae is a phyto-plankton and contains virtually every nutrient. With a 60% protein content and a more complete amino acid profile than beef or soy beans. It contains one of the best known food sources of beta carotene, B vitamins and chlorophyll. It has been shown to improve brain function and memory, strengthen the immune system
and help with viruses, colds and flu.


Spirulina is a cultivated micro-algae which has been consumed for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples in Mexico and Africa. It is one of the highest known protein sources on Earth and contains 70% complete protein, towering over steak which consists of only 25% protein once cooked. Studies have shown that spirulina can help control blood sugar levels and cravings thus making it a key food for diabetics, and can be used to assist in weight loss and as a general nutritional supplement.


Chlorella is a fresh water algae and like its other algae cousins contains a complete protein profile, all the B vitamins, vitamin C and E and many minerals. It is amazing for the immune system and for reducing cholesterol and preventing the hardening of the arteries, a precursor to heart attacks and strokes.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are so readily available and so highly nutritious, however most people do not eat enough of them. Studies continuously confirm that populations that eat a diet high in green leafy vegetables run a far lower risk of heart disease and cancer. Fresh raw green leafy vegetables contain high doses of chlorophyll, easily digestible proteins, enzymes and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. These particular vegetables act as mini-transfusions for the blood, a health tonic for the brain and immune system and a cleanser of the kidneys. Try any of the following: rocket, spinach, dandelion greens, kale, watercress, parsley, lettuce, endive, chicory, broccoli sprouts and mustard sprouts.

Single Minded Meditation/Focus/Concentration


Fundamentals of Meditation

• Will help you achieve calmness and control of your life
• Also, will keep you healthy
• Feelings of true happiness, peace and harmony can be achieved
• Allows you to turn off a busy mind
• Allows you to think clearly in moments of stress
• Allows you to control anger and aggression
• Allows you to focus in the now, in this moment
• Allows you to let go of the past and the future
• Allows you to gain control over your mind, body and spirit

How to focus on your breath
• Get yourself warm and comfortable
• Sit or lie in a comfortable position
• Take a few deep abdominal breaths
• Focus on breathing from the belly button
• Breath slowly in through your nostrils and feel the air moving through and into your lungs
• Feel your chest raise with every in-breath
• Then with every exhalation, feel your chest collapse inward
• Continue to repeat this process of focused breathing
• As you find your mind wondering and drifting, towards other thoughts
• Just re-focus on the simple process of breathing in and breathing out
• Feel the air moving past your nostrils and into your lungs
• Repeat this whole process for 5-10 minutes

How to concentrate on an affirmation
• Start by focusing on your breath meditation
• When your calm and still in body and mind
• Repeat in your mind this affirmation “ I am relaxed and confident in all situations”
• Continue breathing and repeat in your mind the affirmation for 5-10 minutes

How to visualize in a meditation
• Start by focusing on your breath meditation
• When your calm and still in body and mind
• Visualize a naked flame on a white candle in your mind
• Concentrate on your breath and see the flame sway towards you with every in-breath and away from you with every out-breath
• Continue to focus on the flame swaying with the rhythm of your breath
• Continue this process for 5-10 minutes

Scientific research proves Meditation Works!
• 1999 study by physiologist (Dr Vernon), at the Georgia Institute
• taught a certain meditation technique to high school students with higher than normal blood pressure
• students had their blood pressure tested both in normal conditions and in stressful conditions, such as virtual reality driving simulation and a stressful interview
• results published in the Psychosomatic Medicine, cited lower blood pressure and other improvements among all participants
• Harvard University Prof. H. Benson, MD, showed you don’t have to be religious to reap the benefits of meditation.
• It is the repetitive practice, and not a specific intent, which brings about what he calls the relaxation response. “The relaxation response is an antidote to stress and the many conditions caused by stress,’’ says Dr Benson

How does the relaxation response work?

• Meditation changes chemical production in the body. The brain produces more of a number of neurochemicals and hormones related to relaxation and stress reduction. These are endorphins, DHEA (a hormone which acts as a buffer against stress) and serotonin.
• All of these neurochemicals have a healing affect on the body and mind.
• Besides just feeling good, meditation reduces the physical effects of stress.
• According to a recent study published in the journal Stroke, meditation can play an important role in controlling certain risk factors for heart disease.
• In the March 2000 edition, the indicated that meditation, practiced 20 minutes per day, has a positive, measurable effect on the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, known as atherosclerosis
• In conclusion, the best results from meditation is to practice daily
• Consistency, not duration is the key to enhance the quality of your life and wellbeing
• It’s far more beneficial to meditate for five minutes daily, then to meditate for half an  hour every third day.